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Elementary and Middle School Audition Information

RDG is super excited to include a select number of elementary and middle school students in the Winter Musical, A Christmas Carol! The musical will open December 13th and run two weekends.  Below is all you need to know about RDG to audition on 9/14/2024.



  • Parents will need to sign their students up on the google form PRIOR to the audition day, so we can get an idea of how many students will be attending. Please read through the WHOLE FORM- the RDG contract with information about our group and the expectations is contained within the document.

  • ​Parents will bring their children to RHS at 9 am and sign them into the audition. You are welcome to stay with your student through the audition process. Students and staff members will guide your student through a series of  audition pieces. 

  • Students will be taught a small snippet of a song on site, and asked to sing it INDIVIDUALLY for the directors. Please understand that this is an audition for a musical that will operate in front of hundreds of audience members, so we are looking for kids who aren't afraid to get up in front of a crowd.

  • Students may also be taught a small dance combination, and asked to move on stage.  Students should wear appropriate shoes (dance if you have them, or sneakers.) Students who are not in appropriate footwear will NOT BE ALLOWED TO AUDITION. 

  • A cast list will be posted early in the following week, and information will be emailed to students that are accepted into the cast. **Parents are responsible for discussing the audition process, the possibility of NOT making it into the show, and the appropriate ways to deal with those emotions. Please do not bring a child to the audition who will not be ok if they do not make it into the cast. 



Elementary Audition MUSIC 


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